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Black Winter Truffle
(Tuber melanosporum Vitt.) AKA "Nero Pregiato"
Peridot: warty, formed by small and not very pronounced warts, black in colour.
Serfdom: black-purplish colour in mature specimens, with fine white veins, which tend to turn reddish in the air and disappear when cooked.
Shape: usually rounded, but also irregular or lobed.
Dimensions: variable, from those of a hazelnut to those of an orange, rarely higher.
Ripening period: from November to March.
Indicative price: the Winter Truffle is the most expensive of the black truffles.
The Winter Truffle in the kitchen: thanks to its sweet aroma and a tasty flavour, it can be cooked or used as an accompaniment to meaty main courses.
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